Volleyball, divided by the net on a level playing field is a sport played by two teams gather .
The aim of the game , sending the ball out of the net worth of the opposing team to ensure that the playing field and the opposing team to reach the same goal is to prevent . Team of the ball, sending the ball to the opponent at least once in their field can be three times more than vurulmalıdır. in contact with blocks 4 times the rights are worth
Top service is introduced with the game , the player who served in the opponent sends the ball over the net . Rally to touch the ball into the playing area , except to go to or a team continues to make mistakes .
Volleyball is a team winning a rally scores a point (Rally Number System ) . When the receiving team wins the rally, a number of service and are entitled to use the service . Referee players one yellow card gives the player where the team number 1 is penalized if the service they are in the service lose their rights referee red card data while the red card eater that hardness of game out of the players quit the game . And the players in a position clockwise rotation. In the gym , on the beach or on the lawn playable .